Display Boards

(Please review Rules to ensure the Display meets the requirements listed.)  

Boards should be creative and fun and should show the Student's work.  This means that it might not necessarily be "perfect".  That's okay!  Be sure to display pertinent information, so that others viewing your board can get a good idea of your Project, even though they might not get to see your Presentation.  
("Winter Warm-up" by Caroline Otto)

("No Eggs Please!: Which Egg Substitute Works Best in Cake?" by Breanna Leverton )

("Cell City: An Anatomy of a Cell" by Anna Marinello)

("Rock Candy" by Eliza Coverstone)

 ("Grow Seeds, Grow!: Which Growing Medium Works Best for Germinating Seeds?" by Gabriel Leverton)

("Boiler Home Heating Demonstration" by Peter Leverton)